Friday, October 30, 2009

Briefs due today

Reminder: Briefs are due TODAY, by midnight. Please submit seven hard copies to me at the Greenhouse, and one electronic copy to me by email. Late briefs will result in a five-point penalty for each participant each day they are late (it's a 25-pt rubric).

Directions to the Greenhouse:
It's that brick building across from JGH where the journal offices are, two buildings to the west of Little Warren. There are two doors to the building; one is after a few steps going below street level and says "greenhouse" next to it - take the other door (to the east of it), which has a list of journals and moot court programs next to it. The Moot Court office is on the first floor, all the way in the back (rm 107).

It requires card access, which I think all law students should have, but if you have any trouble; I'll be there pretty much all day and you can call me. If for some reason you just can't get there, drop your briefs off in the Moot Court mailbox in the info center (JGH 1st floor) and email me immediately to let me know that's where they are.